Daily Archives: June 19, 2010

GACKT’S Father’s Day

Father’s Day is tomorrow! Whether you’re giving your dad a new lawnmower, a Burger King gift card, a hug, or even a dead bird (uhhh… maybe if you’re a dog..), its a great time to pay a well-deserved tribute to the man who is 50% responsible for your existence.

GACKT has always been great at writing tribute songs to people who made an impact in his life. U+K, anyone? The b-side from his wild and racy single Koakuma Heaven, entitled My Father’s Day, is a little-known and widely ignored piece that I felt deserved some attention.

The story behind the song is that GACKT wrote it in honor of Ogata Ken, a man he looked up to as a father figure as they worked together on Furin Kazan. Ogata passed away recently, and deeply saddened by this, GACKT took it upon himself to write this touching tribute to the man he regarded so highly.

If you just listen to the song its hard to tell that this is such a deep and poignant song, because the depth and meaning is hidden beneath a punk-rock style tune. Read the lyrics. Yeah, there’s mention of some kind of “neo universe.” To me, I felt that symbolized a father encouraging his child to do anything. At the end, GACKT says “Good bye, dad.” I didn’t only take this to mean that the father had died, even though this is what GACKT probably meant. I also saw this as the child going out on his own, saying goodbye to the father, and thanking him for all he has taught the child.

Another good thing about this song is that since it was written about a father figure, the meaning is not simply limited to biological fathers. We can apply this song to any man who has made an impact on our lives.

I don’t know why I like this song so much. Perhaps its because its based on a real experience, and it brings me closer to GACKT. I can see him as a real person in this song, not the angelic being who sings about far-off ideals in other songs. Who knows. But its an inspiring tune and I can take a lot away from it.

Happy Father’s Day!



Filed under Japanese Rock, Sakurayume's Collection, Special Articles

“Spiral” – immi

Immi is just as talented as she is HAWT.

I’m going to be honest and say that as far as j-tek goes, it was going to take a whole lot to make me stray away from SAWA’s “Swimming Dancing” and Saori’s “Grotesque.” But!!!! Immi has released me from the clutches of those songs by creating a memorable album full of summer fun and spirit.

We’ve already heard and played the life out of Wonder, Alice, and Sign of Love, so I won’t touch on those. Just know that they are amazing.

I’ve seen on forums and whatnot that people are dubbing Summer 2010 as the Summer of J-tek. This album lives up to that title. For example, Jeezy Peezy, albeit having a weirdo title, is a energetic track, full of light. And bells. It sounds like the kind of song they’d be blaring at American Eagle while you shop. And I don’t know about you but something about American Eagle makes me think of summer.

My favorite song, shockingly, was Rainbow. Its an Utada-esque piece which isn’t long by any means, and that’s why I like it. In the summer, a rainbow can come and go extremely quickly, sometimes before you even notice it. I think the brevity of this beautiful song captured the fleeting amount of time that rainbows hang in the sky.

I am crazy about Black or White. Its stupidly thrilling with outstanding synth. I did not want that song to end. Love it.

There honestly aren’t any songs on this album that I dislike. Some of them (like No. 1 Girl) didn’t stand out to me as much, but I still could find something I liked about every song.

In Conclusion: Okay, so this album kicks Switch in the teeth and slams its face in the dirt. I don’t even want to convey how hard this album PWNS MEG’s Maverick. I’ll leave that up to the imagination. I highly recommend this album to anyone with ears, and I hereby crown immi QUEEN OFJ-TEK! I’m interested to see if SAWA can top this next month! Predictions, anyone?



Filed under Japanese Pop, Sakurayume's Collection

Poll Results: Week 3

Most of you guys agreed with me that Visual Kei has taken some knocks lately, but its still great.
For those of you who selected are they all girls? Some light reading. Thanks in advance to gacktpause for always providing me great reference materials and inspiration.

This week I have two polls, all about male-dominated j-rock and female dominated j-pop. Choose your favorite artists!



Filed under Poll Results, Sakurayume's Collection

“Maverick” – MEG

Oh boy...

This isn’t an official review, just so you know. This is me telling MEG to take a hike. Take another “Journey.” (haha) Then maybe we’ll talk. I was so disappointed with this album, you have no idea. Its like “BEAUTIFUL” all over again. But, I should have known that things called “Maverick” are usually destined to fail.

Exhibit A

(no offense to Mr. McCain. I don’t like you politically, but you are a dad-gum cool person.)


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Filed under Japanese Pop, Sakurayume's Collection